Predictions are just a prediction just like what Mr. Harold Camping predicted that the end of the world would be on May 21, I may self don’t believe this for the reason that only our beholder knows if when the world ended and no 1 of as human beings would know the judgment day.
As Mr. Harold Camping said.
The end of the world is nigh; 21 May, to be precise. That's the date when Harold Camping, a preacher from Oakland, California, is confidently predicting the Second Coming of the Lord. At about 6pm, he reckons 2 per cent of the world's population will be immediately "raptured" to Heaven; the rest of us will get sent straight to the Other Place.
Recent events, such as earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand and Haiti, are harbingers of impending doom, he says, as are changing social values. "All the stealing, and the lying, and the wickedness and the sexual perversion that is going on in society is telling us something," he says. "So too is the gay pride movement. It was sent by God as a sign of the end.
Critics point out that this isn't the first time Mr. Camping has predicted the second coming. On 6 September 1994, hundreds of his listeners gathered at an auditorium in Alameda looking forward to Christ's return.
Mr Camping's argument has convinced Adam Larsen, 32, from Kansas. He is among scores of "ambassadors" who have quit their jobs to drive around America in Family Radio vehicles warning of the impending apocalypse."
We must not easily believe in prediction, we must believe in our creature, for the reason that as human beings we don't know if when would be the judgement day. All we need to do is to be ready our selves and our sprites to face the Lord if the judgement day will come.
Harold Camping is one of the most famous Bible teachers in the world. He is President and General Manager of Family Radio which can be heard at and is also the host of the Open Forum radio program. He is also famous because he says, "Thank you for calling and sharing, now may we take our next caller please..." When Harold Camping was a naive young man of 72 (or something like that) he wrote a book called "1994" predicting the end of the world. Well, if you haven't heard, Harold Camping screwed up, because the world did not end in 1994. But that's ok, everyone makes mistakes. (Oh come on, like you have never predicited the end of the world, and got it wrong...don't be so judgmental.) To understand more about who Harold Camping is and what the hell he is all about, please see the following video posted by John and Michelle Dougher at youtube. John and Michelle thought it would be a good "idear" to post this video at youtube, and I would have to say, they were certainly right about that. Here it is:
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