Tuesday, May 24, 2011
love's creation: longest words
love's creation: longest words: "Do you remember – when you were a child – learning (then gleefully reciting) what you thought was the longest word in the English language?..."
longest words
Do you remember – when you were a child – learning (then gleefully reciting) what youthought was the longest word in the English language? Was it ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM? Or the similarly long SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS?
There are longer ones...
However, there is no easy answer that we can give when our visitors ask us for the longest word in the English language. Most very long words only occur in one or two dictionaries, and often they are debatably not words at all. For example, ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM has possibly never really been used to mean "the belief which opposes removing the tie between church and state." Certainly 99 in 100 times it is used as an example of a long word. And who says you can't put NON– (for example) on the beginning to make it even longer?
This problem is even more evident in chemical names. Most chemicals are named using a systematic naming system which methodically describes the molecule's structure. Some molecules, such as proteins, are huge, so it is possible to come up with genuine words containing millions of letters. But of course no chemist uses these really long names in practice.
Here we look at some of the longest words in English dictionaries, and discuss whether they should be considered to be real words. Interesting long chemical termsand place names are listed separately afterwards. The red numbers indicate the length (number of letters) of the word that follows.
Longest Words
(45) PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (also spelledPNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOKONIOSIS) = a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.
This is the longest word in any English dictionary. However, it was coined by Everett Smith, the President of The National Puzzlers' League, in 1935 purely for the purpose of inventing a new "longest word". The Oxford English Dictionary described the word as factitious. Nevertheless it also appears in the Webster's, Random House, andChambers dictionaries.
(37) HEPATICOCHOLANGIOCHOLECYSTENTEROSTOMIES = a surgical creation of a connection between the gall bladder and a hepatic duct and between the intestine and the gall bladder.
This is the longest word in Gould's Medical Dictionary.
(34) SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS = song title from the Walt Disney movie Mary Poppins.
It is in the Oxford English Dictionary.
"But then one day I learned a word
That saved me achin' nose,
The biggest word you ever 'eard,
And this is 'ow it goes:
(30) HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPEDALIAN = pertaining to a very long word.
From Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure and Preposterous Words.
(29) FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION = an estimation of something as worthless.
This is the longest word in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Interestingly the most common letter in English, E, does not appear in this word at all, whilst I occurs a total of nine times. The word dates back to 1741. The 1992 Guinness Book of World Records calls floccinaucinihilipilification the longest real word in theOxford English Dictionary, and refers to pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis as the longest made-up one.
(28) ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM = the belief which opposes removing the tie between church and state.
Probably the most popular of the "longest words" in recent decades.
The word first appeared in English in 1599, and in 1721 was listed by Bailey's Dictionary as the longest word in English. It was used by Shakespeare in Love's Labor's Lost (Costard; Act V, Scene I):
"O, they have lived long on the alms-basket of words.
I marvel thy master hath not eaten thee for a word;
for thou art not so long by the head as
honorificabilitudinitatibus: thou art easier
swallowed than a flap-dragon."
Shakespeare does not use any other words over 17 letters in length.
The longest unhyphenated word in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed.), joint with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (see below).
(27) ANTITRANSUBSTANTIATIONALIST = one who doubts that consecrated bread and wine actually change into the body and blood of Christ.
These are described by the 1992 Guinness Book of World Records as the longest words in common usage.
Some say SMILES is the longest word because there is a MILE between the first and last letters!
Chemical Terms
Two chemical terms (3,641 and 1,913 letters long) have appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records. They were withdrawn because they have never been used by chemists, and there is no theoretical limit to the length of possible legitimate chemical terms. A DNA molecule could have a name of over 1,000,000,000 letters if it was written out in full.
This word has appeared in the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts and is thus considered by some to be the longest real word.
This is the longest chemical term in the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Ed.). It does not have its own entry but appears under a citation for another word.
Chemical term in the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Ed.).
Chemical term in the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Ed.).
(31) DICHLORODIPHENYLTRICHLOROETHANE = a pesticide used to kill lice; abbrv. DDT.
It is the longest word in the Macquarie Dictionary and is also in the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Ed.).
This is the longest chemical term in Webster's Dictionary (3rd Ed.).
The longest unhyphenated word in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed.), joint with electroencephalographically (see above).
(26) ETHYLENEDIAMINETETRAACETIC = a type of acid; abbrv. EDTA.
This word appears in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed.).
Place Names
There are many long place names around the world. Here are a few of the largest.
A hill in New Zealand. This Maori name was in general use, but is now generally abbreviated to Taumata. The name means: the summit of the hill, where Tamatea, who is known as the land eater, slid down, climbed up and swallowed mountains, played on his nose flute to his loved one.
A town in Wales. The name means: the Mawddach station and its dragon teeth at the Northern Penrhyn Road on the golden beach of Cardigan bay.
A town in North Wales. The name roughly translates as: St. Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the rapid whirlpool of Llantysilio of the red cave. It is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Another name for Lake Webster in Massachusetts. Probably the longest name in the United States. Alternative spellings are:
The Eskimo name for some dunes in Alaska, according to The Book of Names by J. N. Hook.
Vowel Word Records
Here is a collection of words notable for their vowels. Some have many, some have few; some contain them all, some contain none.
Note that we are talking about the five true vowels in the English alphabet: A, E, I, O, and U. Sometimes the consonant Y may be pronounced as a vowel, as may other letters in rare words, such as W in some words of Welsh origin.
Many Vowels
Words (found in major English dictionaries) consisting entirely of vowels include AA(a type of lava), AE, AI, AIEEE, IAO, OII, EAU, EUOUAE, OE, OO, I, O, A, IO, and UOIAUAI, the last of these being the longest vowel-only word (seven letters).
OUENOUAOU (a stream in the Philippines) has nine letters but only one consonant. It is the longest known place name with only a single consonant.
The English dictionary word with the most consecutive vowels (six) is EUOUAE. Words with five consecutive vowels include QUEUEING, AIEEE, COOEEING, MIAOUED,ZAOUIA, JUSSIEUEAN, ZOOEAE, ZOAEAE. The Hawaiian word HOOIAIOIA (meaning certified) has eight consecutive vowels and is listed in the 1976 Guinness Book of World Records. Allowing proper nouns, URU-EU-UAU-UAU (a language of Brazil) has nine vowels in a row, ignoring hyphens.
HONORIFICABILITUDINITATIBUS is the longest word consisting entirely of alternating vowels and consonants. Other such words are ALUMINOSILICATES,EPICORACOHUMERALER, HEXOSAMINIDASES, ICULANIBOKOLAS,PARAROSANILINES, PARASITOLOGICAL, VERISIMILITUDES. GORAN IVANESEVIC (a top tennis player) is the longest known celebrity name that alternates consonants and vowels. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES is the longest name of a country consisting of alternating vowels and consonants.
Few Vowels
The longest common word without any of the five vowels is RHYTHMS, but there are longer rare words: SYMPHYSY, NYMPHLY, GYPSYRY, GYPSYFY, andTWYNDYLLYNGS. WPPWRMWSTE and GLYCYRRHIZIN are long words with very few vowels.
ASTHMA begins and ends with a vowel and has no other vowels in between. Some less common long words with this property are ISTHMI (alternate plural of isthmus),APHTHA, and ELTCHI.
The longest word in dictionaries having only one vowel is STRENGTHS. The longest word with only one vowel (if repeats are allowed) is CHRONONHOTONTHOLOGOS(twenty letters). STRENGTHLESSNESSES contains only Es and is just two letters shorter.
The Five Vowels
The shortest word containing all five vowels exactly once is the six-letter EUNOIA, meaning alertness of mind an will (and also the title of a book by Canadian poet Christian Bok). However, it is not included in any major English dictionary. There are several seven-letter words containing all the vowels, including SEQUOIA, EULOGIA,MIAOUED, ADOULIE, EUCOSIA, EUNOMIA, EUTOPIA, MOINEAU, and DOULEIA. The relatively common French word OISEAU (meaning bird) contains all five vowels, once each.
The shortest word with the five vowels occurring in alphabetical order is AERIOUS(airy), which has seven letters. The longest such word is PHRAGELLIORHYNCHUS (a protozoan) with 18 letters. There are two seven-letter words in Portuguese that contain the five vowels in alphabetical order: ACEITOU and ALEIJOU.
SUOIDEA (the taxonomic group to which pigs belong) is the shortest word with the five vowels in reverse alphabetical order. The longest such word isPUNCTOSCHMIDTELLA (a crustacean).
ULTRAREVOLUTIONARIES has each vowel exactly twice. The shortest such word isCUBOIDEONAVICULARE, and the longest, USSOLZEWIECHINOGAMMARUS (a small crustacean).
A Filipino teenager whose tiny stature has made him a celebrity in his homeland in Zamboanga del Norte will soon enter the record books as the world's shortest man in June 2011 as he will celebrate his 18th birthday.
His name is J who is standing at a mere 22 inches or who might only be slightly taller than a glass bottle.
He struggles to walk and can't stand for long, but he looks forward to wearing the crown with pride according to Yahoo! News.
'If I were the smallest man in the world, it would be very cool," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying.
"His mother, Concepcion, 35, says she noticed something was wrong as Junrey approached the age of two but no doctor was able to help." it added.
"He was always sick and we noticed he wasn't growing so we took him to see a doctor but they were baffled," she said.
"Based on the Guinness Book of Records, the current smallest man in the world is 24-year-old Niqo Hernandez of Colombia, standing at 27 inches."
love's creation: Tallest man in the world
love's creation: Tallest man in the world: "The 2010 edition of Guinness Book of World Records lists Sultan Kosen (born 10 December 1982) as the tallest living man as well as havi..."
Tallest man in the world
The 2010 edition of Guinness Book of World Records lists Sultan Kosen (born 10 December 1982) as the tallest living man as well as having the largest hands (11.22 inches) (28.5 centimeters) and largest feet (14.4 inches) (36.5 centimeters) when last measured on 8 February 2011.
According to Guinness, Sultan Kosen is the tallest living human reaching an average height of 8'1" (2,46.5 m) when measured by GWR in Ankara, Turkey, in February 2009. He takes over the title from China's Bao Xishun, who stands 'just' 2.36 metres (seven feet 8.95 inches). However, Sultan Kosen was still growing and at a more recent meeting with then tallest man of the U.S. George Bell, Sultan Kosen was measured at 8'2" tall.
On 8 February 2011 Sultan Kosen was measured in Ankara, Turkey at 8 feet 3 inches (251.4 cm). SourceGuinness World Records.
Sultan Kosen was unable to complete his schooling because of his extreme height, but works occasionally as a farmer to support his family. Sultan Kosen has three brothers and a sister, who are all normal-sized, but his rate of growth surged from the age of 10 because of a tumour which caused too much growth hormone to be released from his pituitary gland. The tumour was successfully removed in surgery and he was thought to have stopped growing last year (2008). He uses walking sticks and tires quickly if he is standing. Another pretender to the tallest title, Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk, who claims to be 10.5 centimetres taller than Sultan Kosen, fails to qualify for the record because he refused to be measured by Guinness World Records officials. Guinness editor-in-chief Craig Glenday travelled to Turkey to personally validate Sultan Kosen's height under strict guidelines, measuring him three times in one day because bodies expand and shrink throughout the day.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Stink bug
Halyomorpha halys, the brown marmorated stink bug, or simply the stink bug, is an insect in the family Pentatomidae, and it is native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It was accidentally introduced into the United States, with the first specimen being collected in September 1998. The brown marmorated stink bug is considered to be an agricultural pest.
An insect with a voracious appetite, no domestic natural predators and a taste for everything from apples to lima beans has caused millions of dollars in crop damage and may just be getting started.
This spring, stink bugs have been seen in 33 states, including every one east of the Mississippi River and as far west as California, Oregon and Washington.
The bug, named for the foul smell it gives off when crushed, will feed on nearly anything, including cherries, tomatoes, grapes, lima beans, soybeans, green peppers, apples and peaches. It uses a needle-like mouth to pierce the skin of its host fruit or vegetable, leaving behind a spot that is disfigured and discolored.
For growers seeking immediate help, the best hope is an insecticide called dinotefuran, the active ingredient in the commercial products Venom and Scorpion. The chemical compound is labeled by the Environmental Protection Agency for use on vegetables, grapes and cotton, but not in orchards, as it is in Japan and other Asian countries.
There are a number of options which can be used to control stink bugs, although there is no one “best option” to deal with these insect pests. One important consideration is that many stink bugs are resistant to common pesticides, so people who are considering chemical control should be sure to identify the stink bugs in question in order to use the appropriate chemical controls. It can also help to use the services of a company which specializes in such infestations, since stink bugs can be quite pernicious. |
If you have stink bugs in your garden, the first thing you should do is remove weeds, because the bugs can use the weeds as a cover. To deter the bugs from your house, remove weeds and foliage near the house, forcing the animals to cross barren ground to gain access to the structure. After you have removed weeds and other foliage which could be used as cover, you can try scattering kaolin clay around the area, or spray your plants with a kaolin clay solution. Stinkbugs are not able to lay eggs and feed on plants covered in this harmless mineral clay, which can simply be washed off any vegetables and fruits.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
love's creation: End of the Word May 21
love's creation: End of the Word May 21: "Predictions are just a prediction just like what Mr. Harold Camping predicted that the end of the world would be on May 21, I may self don..."
End of the Word May 21
Predictions are just a prediction just like what Mr. Harold Camping predicted that the end of the world would be on May 21, I may self don’t believe this for the reason that only our beholder knows if when the world ended and no 1 of as human beings would know the judgment day.
As Mr. Harold Camping said.
The end of the world is nigh; 21 May, to be precise. That's the date when Harold Camping, a preacher from Oakland, California, is confidently predicting the Second Coming of the Lord. At about 6pm, he reckons 2 per cent of the world's population will be immediately "raptured" to Heaven; the rest of us will get sent straight to the Other Place.
Recent events, such as earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand and Haiti, are harbingers of impending doom, he says, as are changing social values. "All the stealing, and the lying, and the wickedness and the sexual perversion that is going on in society is telling us something," he says. "So too is the gay pride movement. It was sent by God as a sign of the end.
Critics point out that this isn't the first time Mr. Camping has predicted the second coming. On 6 September 1994, hundreds of his listeners gathered at an auditorium in Alameda looking forward to Christ's return.
Mr Camping's argument has convinced Adam Larsen, 32, from Kansas. He is among scores of "ambassadors" who have quit their jobs to drive around America in Family Radio vehicles warning of the impending apocalypse."
We must not easily believe in prediction, we must believe in our creature, for the reason that as human beings we don't know if when would be the judgement day. All we need to do is to be ready our selves and our sprites to face the Lord if the judgement day will come.
Harold Camping is one of the most famous Bible teachers in the world. He is President and General Manager of Family Radio which can be heard athttp://www.familyradio.com/ and is also the host of the Open Forum radio program. He is also famous because he says, "Thank you for calling and sharing, now may we take our next caller please..." When Harold Camping was a naive young man of 72 (or something like that) he wrote a book called "1994" predicting the end of the world. Well, if you haven't heard, Harold Camping screwed up, because the world did not end in 1994. But that's ok, everyone makes mistakes. (Oh come on, like you have never predicited the end of the world, and got it wrong...don't be so judgmental.) To understand more about who Harold Camping is and what the hell he is all about, please see the following video posted by John and Michelle Dougher at youtube. John and Michelle thought it would be a good "idear" to post this video at youtube, and I would have to say, they were certainly right about that. Here it is:
love's creation: History of Buseco
love's creation: History of Buseco: "HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Bukidnon II Electric Cooperative Co. Inc. (BUSECO) is an electric power distribution utility organized under Presiden..."
History of Buseco
Bukidnon II Electric Cooperative Co. Inc. (BUSECO) is an electric power distribution utility organized under Presidential Decree 269 (NEA Decree) under the Marcos regime on July 1978. It operated in 9 municipalities and 1 city in the northern part of Bukidnon with 65,547 member-consumers and 159 regular employees and 8 probationary workers.
The first General Manager was Mr. Ramon Bernad. In April 1989 to September 11, 1992 NEA designated Mr. Jessie Villena as Project Supervisor when Mr Ramon Bernad took a sick leave. Mr. Villena became permanent General Manager when Mr. Bernad retired on September 12 1992.
On September 11, 2001 concerned member-consumers and employees staged a rally in BUSECO in protest against corruption and anomalies in management, thus virtually ending the tenure of Mr. Villena.
After the ouster of Mr. Villena, a Project Supervisor was designated by NEA and a succession of Officers-In-Charge from among the coop key officers managed BUSECO. Persistent mismanagement and anomalies prompted some concerned member-consumers to ask NEA to intervene thru Mr. Francisco Silva, Presidential Adviser for Rural Electrification to hire a consultant group to address the management crisis in BUSECO.
Earth Resource Management Group, a consultancy firm patronized by Mr. Francisco Silva and under the leadership of Mr. Erico Bucoy and Mr. Edgardo Masongsong ran BUSECO as Executive and Assistant Executive Officers, respectively. Mr. Erico Bucoy eventually gave way to Mr. Edgardo Masongsong as Executive Officer, who eventually became a permanent General Manager when the case of Mr. Jessie Villena against the coop was finally dismissed by the higher court. The intended transitory intervention of the management consultancy group turned into a permanent take-over of management through subtle maneuver in contravention to ethical norm and standard on management consultancy work.
The specific issues of management corruption and anomalies prevalent under the administration of Mr. Jessie Villena have not been resolved, nay, they have recurred for the worse under the leadership of Mr. Edgardo Masongsong as can be shown by the following significant and critical events:
JULY 1978 BUSECO is organized and incorporated with Mr. Salvador Albarece as First BOD President and Mr. Ramon Bernad as General Manager
April 1989 Jessie Villena is designated Project Supervisor and later Acting GM while Mr. Bernad takes a sick leave
12 Sept 1992 Jessie Villena becomes permanent GM
08 June 2001 EPIRA LAW IS PASSED effecting reform in power industry.
EPIRA gives the electric cooperatives the option to become cooperatives under the Cooperative Code of the Philippines, a corporation under the Corporation Code of the Philippines or to remain with the National Electrification Administration. Mr. Francisco Silva, the Presidential Adviser on Rural Electrification of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and long-time General Manager of CEBECO I, II and III, became NEA Administrator and he maneuvered the electric coops to remain with NEA, including BUSECO using political patronage and personal bias.
As concurrent NEA Administrator (later Presidential Adviser on Rural Electrification) and electric coop manager, Francisco Silva flagrantly disregarded the principles of subsidiarity, autonomy and solidarity and brazenly employed patronage politics to prevent informed and free exercise of the organizational options granted by law to the electric coops. It is a manifestation of Luciferian arrogance and total lack of modesty in the part of Silva to hold his various positions in the corrupt Arroyo regime and guide the electric cooperatives in the right path of genuine reform with fairness and objectivity.
Gloria Arroyo’s appointees and Francisco Silva’s recommendees packed the NEA and the only legacy of the past administration is the present confused and unresolved issues affecting the electric cooperatives. Francisco Silva and his minions of troubleshooters and crisis management team for electric cooperatives, such as BUSECO, sacrificed public service and trust in the altar of power politics and self-vested interest.
3 Aug 2001 Letter of Complaint of Concerned Member-Consumers and Employees against GM Villena is submitted to NEA Region 10, alleging the following corruption and anomalies:
1. Issuance of cheak without observing proper accounting procedure no internal control in coop transaction, implement BOD resolution without NEA approval
2. Violation of coop’s internal control on cash disbursement
3. Prejudicial and discriminatory actions against employees holding key positions who report and testified about GM abuses and irregularities
4. No disciplinary action to his favored erring employees
5. Appointing as OIC in the absence of GM Villena an undergraduate in the person of EVA PELAE
Other anomalies
1. Suspect of BOD Belican forged signatures in per diem
2. Acquisition of 3 units of commando jeep amounting to P250,000 each when actual price during canvass is only P220,000
3. BUSECO issued check to APEC in the amount of P180,000 and only P156,000 was liquidited
4. PET PLANS retirement fund issue involving millions
6. Upgrading of Combo instrument shows P100,000is budgeted for 2001 in excess of actual budget
7. Validity of attendance of NRECA convention
8. Fuel of coop vehicles used personally by Internal Auditor
9. Non-implementation of NEA approved resolutions
6 Aug 2001 Tita Perla Rubio, Tresurer of the BOD, files separate complaint against Jessie Villena on issuance of check without proper accounting procedure
27 Aug 2001 Fact-Finding Committee to investigate GM Villenal and BOD President Jonas Sale is created per NEA Memo
29 Aug 2001 NEA Fact-Finding Committee issue Report and Recommendation fully affirming and verifying the contents of the Letter Complaint of Concerned member-Consumers and Employees, and issue the following recommendations:
1. To prevent Mr. Jessie Villena to transfer employees
2. Conduct of investigation
3. Open Administrative case against GM
4. Place GM Villena under preventive suspension for at least 90 days
5. Assign project supervisor
9 Nov 2001 NEA Management and Financial Audit Division submitted to NEA Administrator the following findings and recommendations:
1. GM Villena as well as Internal Auditor Clotilda Mesiona must be held responsible for long undetected misaapropriation of funds
2. All accountable officers should be bonded
3. The recommendation of Administrative Committee be strictly implemented
These findings and recommendations, among others, have never been resolved and completely ignored by the crisis management team, considering that their mandate sprung from them. Their premeditated, deliberate and malicious intent to take over (not to troubleshoot) the management drove them to sow division and create dissention in the officers and employees of the coop in order to concoct a management crisis justifying their grab of the control. The classic divide and rule theory.
Most of the officers and employees cited for complicity in the corrupt management of previous administration were coopted by the management team and promoted to higher positions, thus the recurrent crisis in management.
Worst still, those few who retain their integrity and consistency for critical objectiveness and honesty are pariah and persecuted by Masongsong management team.
10 Dec 2001 BOD Angel Baula files separate verified complaint to the BOD/NEA against GM Villena citing the following anomalies:
1. Construction/renovation of various buildings of BUSECO amounting P560,880 without canvass
2. Purchase of 102 pieces of KWH meter from AVS and Sons Trading Corp. without canvass/bidding
3. Lack of supervision and monitoring by GM in cash handling by cashier in Malaybalay Sub-Office resulting to mismanagement
4. While Mr. Villena was Project Supervisor and Acting GM allowed to allocate and receive from BUSECO the amount P51,135.23 as 13th month pay, bonus, cash gift, rice allowance, medical in violation of NEA Memo. No. 33 and Personnel Policy No. 6
5. GM Villena caused write off of power bills amounting P1,422,395 without NEA approval
6. Deficit of BUSECO (1991-1993) amounting P355,724 without NEA approval
7. GM grave abuse of discretion when he repaired his car in manila without BOD resolution
8. Car repair charged to BUSECO amounting P33,754
9. Lack of supervision in Malaybalay office resulting to 127 unpayed power bills of employees and 291 power bill of member-consumers
10.Failure to pursue and recover new oil circuit recloser costing P382,260.67 borrowed by LANECO
11.NO garaging of vehicle per BOD resolution 86-06-10
12.Discrepancies in general ledgers and actual/physical inventories
13.GM increased his salary without NEA approval
14.GM grave abuse of discretion when he bought 4 units of motor vehicles without NEA approval
15.GM travel to USA violating NEA Memo No. 43
16.Failure to collect from former employees account and material recievables
17.Discrepancies in physical inventory of power bills shortage of P4,732,843
18.Abuse of discretion in failure to revert back written off power bills per NEA audit recommendation
19.Continuous practice of employees of outstanding power bills of relatives and other consumers
20.GM purchased of PHILRECA 50 units KVA recon transformer costing P950,000 without canvass
21.Failure to recover garnished property in labor cases
22.Failure to act on NEA audits and recommendations
What happens to this complaint is indicative of NEAs lack of seriousness to curb corruption. The allegations are serious and the crisis management never bothered to address the case.
The allegations above are the constant refrain committed by the Masongsong management team sa can be shown below.
24 May 2002 BUSECO BOD pass Resolution No. 52, S 2002 terminating the services of GM Villena as General Manager of BUSECO in exercise of its power under the By-Laws sensing that NEA is “soft” on Mr. Jessie Villena who is perceived as NEA Boy. The resolution cites the following grounds for termination:
1. Repair of personal car charged to BUSECO
2. Reimbursement of light and water expenses of residence in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro, not within the area of operation
3. Continued patronage (suki system) of favored suppliers (E.R. Ramos of Davao)
4. Unauthorized purchase without canvass, splitting of combo equipment disbursement
5. Conduct unbecoming of GM (favoritism)
6. Unauthorized travel abroad
7. Anomalies related to Kalabugao expansion project
8. Alteration of documents/records on various occasions
Defiance of BOD resolutions
Reneged of palabra de honor
May 2002 Mr. Domingo Santiago is designated NEA Project Supervisor and the BOD appoints Ms. Sylvia Pepito (Finance Manager) as OIC, followed by Mr. Chito Ebora and and then Engr. Rudy Agustin. NEA categorized BUSECO as C Category in 2005. This is up to the time when the Earth Resource Management Group Consultants under Mr. Bucoy and Mr.Masongsong maneuvered to take over management in 2006 and the presidency of the BOD is held in turn between ENGR. MIKE QUIÑO AND MR. BONIFACIO EBUZA, THE LATTER BEING LONGEST SERVING DIRECTOR DURING THE RECURRENT CRISIS UP TO THE PRESENT.
14 June 2002 Villena files Certiorari and prohibition in CA assailing the action of the BOD and NEA AdCom to investigate him
15 Nov 2002 NEA BOD pass Resolution removing Mr. Villena as GM with grant of separation benefits
11 Mar 2003 Mr. Villena files a Supplemental Petition to assail his termination
22 Oct 2004 TRANSCO President Alan Ortiz says that local power cooperatives milking cow of executives (PDI Issue)
7 Dec 2004 Concerned Member-consumers sends Letter- Complaint and request to conduct investigation to Ms. Edita Bueno NEA Administrator citing following anomalies of OIC Rudy Agustin:
1. Payment of check to Director Tamayo without the signature of Finance Personnel and Internal Auditor
2. Detail of Engr. Fernandez, ESD-OIC to MOELCI II as guard of equipment
3. Flagrant insult and intrigues against employees
4. Promotion of Alice Ylanan despite pending case of forgery
5. Promotion of EVA PELAE, an undergraduate in disregard of NEA audit finding and recommendation and related Tonacao case
6. Promotion of Clotilda Mesiona despite strong adverse NEA audit finding and recommendation
7. Persecution of lone CPA staff in BUSECO (Ma. Bella Saavedra
8. Appointment of Ms Sylvia Pepito as Internal Auditor when her husband is warehouseman and custodian
9. Non- implementatation of garaging policy and waste of fuel
10.Glaring overpricing of materials
11.Non-obsevance of NEA Material Price Index in purchases
12.Electric line using BUSECO materials are sold to private entities
13.No control system in numbering in the distribution of transformers
14.Inadequate and lack of Internal Control system on Consumers Account Recievables
15.No prompt action on reports of illegal tapping and direct connection
16.Hiring of employees without conducting evaluation
17.Mr. Horacio Mordeno accident case due to service inefficiency
Dec 2005 OIC Engr. Rudy Agustin retires under charges of diversion of subsidy funds
19 Jan 2006 ERMG under Mr. Erico Bucoy and Mr. Edgado Masongsong come to BUSECO thru BOD Resolution approving the Term of Reference
22 Feb 2006 CA denies and dismisses the petition of Mr. Villena
March 2006 Comprehensive Operations Audit for the Period 01 May 2005 to 31 December 2006 is conducted in BUSECO
24 Mar 2006 BOD BUSECO pass Re. No. 06-03-24 approving the special retirement package of Engr. Rudy Agustin, Engr. Marlon Obeneta, Sylvia Pepito and Danilo Pepito, as of 2009 NEA audit, this resolution has no NEA approval.
27 Jul 2006 CA denies and dismisses with finality the Petition of Mr. Villena
03 Aug 2006 Mr. Edgardo Masongsong replaces Mr. Erico Bucoy as Executive Officer of BUSECO up to yearend.
06 Sept 2006 Clotilda Mesiona of Finance Services Department is Promoted to OIC Manager of Branch Operation
27 Sept 2006 Sanguniang Panlalawigan of Bukidnon declares Mr. Erico Bucoy as PERSONA NON GRATA of the Province of Bukidnon
30 Nov 2006 Concerned Member-consumers sends Letter-Complaint to NEA Administrator about anomalies commited by management consultants, such as:
1. Liquidity problem and difficulty in paying GENCO, TRANSCO and various creditors
2. P300,000 monthly pay of the consultants
3. Factionalism inside BUSECO
4. Appointment of under qualified employees to key positions and double standard
5. Anomalous disposal of non-performing assets
6. Purchase of substandard materials
7. The non-appearance of Mr. Erico Bucoy before the Sanguniang Panlalawigan for clarification
8. Recurrent absences and travels of Mr. Erico Bucoy
9. Finally requesting for a Special Audit.
20 Dec 2006 Sanguniang Panlalawigan of Bukidnon passes Resolution No. 2006-1275 supporting the Member-Consumers request for Special Audit
01 Jan 2007 BUSECO BOD passes Resolution 06-12-115 hiring Mr. Masongsong with consultants to manage BUSECO up to June 2007 with a Compensation Package of P150,000 per month, out-of-pocket expenses for board and lodging and travel allowance to and from home base in the amount of P20,000 net of taxes and other operation-related out-of-pocket expenses as stipulated in TOR
02 Mar 2007 BUSECO BOD recommended Mr. Masongsong as probationary GM
16 July 2007 NEA Audit Team on the Comprehensive Operations Audit in March 2006 is submitted to NEA Administrator only signed by two financial auditors and without signatures of EDGAR A. DE GUZMSAN AND ABDULMALIK L. BACARANAN, Technical and Institutional Auditors, respectively.
In the Audit Report the auditors find the complaint supported by Sanguniang Panlalawigan almost baseless, even recommending that Mr. Masongsong should request a BOD resolution to justify the general AMNESIA or AMNESTY granted to erring employees.
This Audit finding was released only after more than a year after the actual audit.
Aug 2007 Reorganization of BUSECO Personnel effected by Mr. Edgardo Masongsong
04 Jan 2008 Mr. Masongsong becomes regular GM with P60,000 salary
01 Jul 2008 NEA confirms Mr. Masongsong as GM
O3 Aug 2009 BOD BUSECO thru Re. No 09-08-02 confirming the decision of the Board President Bonifacio Ebueza injoining Director Santoninio and Alima from attending the Board meeting purportedly to show that not Mr. masosng but the Board who acted against Dir. Santoninio
15 Sept 2009 Prebyterial Council of the Diocese of Malaybalay
passes Resolution No. 2 requesting NEA to immediately remove Mr. Masongsong as GM of BUSECO
15-23 Sept 2009 NEA comprehensive Operations Audit covering Jan 01 to July 31, 2009 conducted in BUSECO
09 Oct 2009 BOD BUSECO passes Resolution No. 09-10-03 refuting Res. No. 2 of the Presbyterial Council last 15 September 2009
02 Dec 2009 Sanguniang Panlalawigan of Bukidnon Declares Mr. Masongsong as PERSONA NON GRATA of the province
29 Jan 2010 NEA Audit Team submitted to NEA Deputy Administrator the Audit Report on Comprehensive Operations Audit conducted last September 2009
10 Mar 2010 Fr Jonathan C. Tianero, Secretary, Diocesan Core Committee requests copy of the Audit report conducted last September 2009
14 Apr 2010 NEA Deputy Administrator Edgardo Piamonte replies that they cannot give final report since the BUSECO Management and BOD seek extension of period to submit explanation/justification.
The Executive Summary of the Comprehensive Operations Audit for 2007 to 2009 highlights the following findings:
- BUSECO realized net margin of P2,490,377 in 2008 and a NET LOSS of P13,358,542 for the first seven months of 2009. Prior years' accumulated losses amounting to P12,689,360.
- The total amount of P142,909,380.78 has been refunded to its consumers starting May 2004 for the reduction of rate arising from loan condonation, however, it has over refunded P23,839,119.56 as of 31 August 2009.
- The coop received total subsidy of P2,561,618.06 for the period under audit and were utilized for the intended purposes. A total amount of P20,510,000.00 was received for the “Pantawid Kuryente Katas ng VAT Program” benefiting 41,020 consumers.
- The 10 MVA Power Substation in Aglanyan, Malaybalay City project that was initially granted to Asiaphil Manufacturing Industries, Inc. but withdrawn and awarded to Electrobus Consilidated, Inc. was not completed un accordance with the contract. In orderexpedite its energization, the coop allowed its equipment to be temporarily installed. Equivalent amount of liquidated damages for the delay was not yet charged/collected as of audit period.
- The project Manager assigned for the said 10 MVA Power Substation project was fully paid of his professional fee without completion of the project.
- The acquired 681 units of GE Class 200 Kwh meters from Sharp Electrical Supply, Inc. were not compatible with the coop’s line to ground system. As of audit period, inventory of this item was 679 units.
- The coop did not avail of the suppliers’ offer of 12-equal monthly payments for its procurement of 1,600 units of KWH Meters per P.O. #0811 of October 23, 2008, instead, full payments of P1,278,400 was made on December 18,2008.
- Unplanned purchases of lots.
- Explicit approval from NEA was not sought in the implementation of the maximum rate salary adjustment to employees thereby exceeding its approval budget.
- Inconsistent schedule of kwh meter readings.
The purchases has no public biddings, and if thre is any, the quotations is below three (3) and the coop Guidelines for Procurement is not strictly implemented
Requisitioning of supplies and materials are not based on coop’s requirement. NEA recommends the negogiation with suppliers for the remaining unsuable items
Capital expenditures is not based on NEA approved ICPM to ensure that limited resources are disbursed according to prioritization of projects. NEA audit also recommends the maximization of cost of money and avoid lost opportunities such as availing the 12-month payment instead of paying the full amount of the item purchased. (This maybe because of the persistent issue of SOP)
Diligence is not observed by the warehouseman who accept delivered materials not in accordance with specifications, terms of payment are not always provided for in the Purchase Order and previous PO’s are not attached in the processing of payment
The audit also found that the priority of operations is not the utmost concern in acquiring assets and there is lack of proper study in capital investment.
Benefits and allowances are with resolutions NOT approved by NEA. Expenditure for the Extension for the implementation of the People Empowerment allowance are done WITHOUT explicit approval of NEA and no required report and review by Presidential Adviser of Rural Electrification. (The management selectively organized the member-consumers to give imprimatur to management and BOD shenanigans during General Membership Assemblies). This is reviewed by the Presidential Adviser on Rural Electrification under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. The DIVIDE AND RULE TACTIC covered the BOD front, employees front and the member-consumers front. They referred to this as People Empowerment, but it most unbecoming and violative of the principle of subsidiarity and solidarity. There is no check and balance in the BOD-management relation because any independent-minded BOD member is targeted for expulsion using the fund for people empowerment, such as the case of Directors Santoninio, Adovino and Paciente. The management of Mr. Masongsong used his brand of people power in his bid to run as party-list congressman under the patronage of Mr. Francisco Silva, Adviser of Gloria Arroyo. Mr. Masongsong is a Francisco Silva Leadership Awardee.
There is no explicit NEA approval on budget for salary readjustment
KWH reading is not consistently conducted, including information dissemination causing complaint in readjustment. Study on BMCEC as collectors must be study.
Incentives, salary adjustment and professional fees for various cases are not provided in approved budget
Transactions were post audited when ERMG took control.
The coop has pending case of EXCESSIVE assessment of real property tax from 2005-2007 in the province amounting to 12.5 millions. (TheBUSECO was able to have a court ordered compromise with the province. But the Raal Taxes in the city and municipalities are also not yet settled).
- The 10 MVA substation transformer in Aglayan, Malaybalay has exceeded the maximum tolerable loading.
- Primary protective device of the substation transformer were not yet compliant with the GRID Code. Installed substation transformer has not undergone preventives maintenance.
- Power factor of Transco metering No. 2 is quite low at 68% serving ECA Mining.
- Meter shop of the coop is not compliant with the requirement of the ERC.
- Testing of the class 200, 32i43, single phase kwh meter installed at the unmanned of communication equipment of Digitel Mobile Philippines located in Manolo Fortich revealed there is a potential difference of 190 volts between the meter casing and ground connection.
- There were installed kwh meters that have no terminal seals and prone to pilferages if not corrected. As of 30 September 2009, there are 29 consumers with stopped kwh meters and billing is based on average consumption.
- Procurement of 681 pieces of class 200, 3 wire, single phase kwh meters that are not compatible with the EC system and remain idle at the warehouse.
Defective cooling fan in 10MVA transformer is not repaired and there is no annual preventive maintenance. No identification of consumers connected in every feeder line to correct system loss.
Delay in the testing and correction of meter of Digitel Mobile Philippines. No compliance of ERC meter shop. Not all meters are with seals.
There is wrong delivery of specified materials and the coop should return the wrong items to suppliers. (This is another opportunity for corruption)
- The reorganization was effected in August 2007 and amendments were made in November 2008 including increasing the approved plantilla positions from 187 and 210.
- The positions of the Institutional Services Department (ISD) Manager and that of the Human Resources Division Chief are both vacant.
- Performance evaluation is not being conducted regularly.
- No coop policy on longevity pay that was granted to selected employees which caused uproar from those who were not given the pay.
- The coop having employees on probationary basis beyond the mandated six-month period in violation of coop policy on hiring.
- The Management has imposed penalties on erring employees, not taking into consideration the recommendations of the Investigation/Fact Finding Committee (IFFC).
- There are many stopped meters some of which were reported 5 or 6 months ago but were not yet replaced.
- Some coop policies are not being strictly implemented.
- A few employees have outstanding power bills.
Management has not filled up vacant position ISD abd HRDChief.
BUSECO HAS Functional Chart job description but not every position contains job summary, duties, responsibilities and QUALIFICATION, when the coop reorganization as submitted to NEA is aimed at:
A. EVA PELAE designated Branch Manager
B. Juancho Chiong designated Branch Manager
C. Artemio Omapas
D. Urbano Talibong
E. Eleazar Boter
F. Wilfredo Hansol
G. Joel anghiron
H. Raul Chong
I. Sabas Ragandang
J. Three (3) Leadmen
No regular performance evaluation. On July 2009 the longevity pay is implemented without policy and BOD resolution.
201 files not updated and no central/general file of employees appointment and job description. (It has been rumored that fake academic diplomas and certificates from fake schools are prevalent in BUSECO)
The numerous pending labor cases testify the mismanagement of Mr. Masongsong and causing financial loss to the coop, such as the cases of:
The Retirement Policy of the coop has no NEA approval as per NEA MEMO No. 2005-001.
The audit found out the demoralization among employees due to the oral reprimand meted out by Mr. Masongsong.
The Independent Fact Finding Committee recommendations on employees administrative cases are not implementated by management.
The appropriatenenss of the Baoard as Appeal Committee is recommended for study.
No regular conduct of PMES.
Non-performing assets are disposed without following NEA guidelines
There are employees who have pending bills
Lots acquired by BUSECO are still untitled
BUSECO is involved in at least eight (8) cases pending before the various courts of law and is very costly to the coop. ( This is exclusive of cases filed after 2009.
11 Jan 2011 Director Oliver Abella Aldovino writes a letter to the BOD President Charlie Castillanes objecting to the policy of using the non-bonded BMCEC as bill collectors, citing as grounds, the absence of MOA, collection is already part of the supply charges in the unbundled rates approved by ERC and it is double charging and the provision of Magna Carta.
04 Feb 2011 Complaint in ERC is filed on IMPOSITION OF CHARGES NOT APPROVED BY ERC
14 Mar 2011 BUSECO BOD passes Res. No 11-03-12 requesting NEA to approve an increase of the salary of GM masosngsong frm P60,000 to P80,000 excusive of other benenfits
BUSECO BOD passes Res. No 11-13-128 granting a token to out-going BODs who serve three (3) term equivalent to one month per diem for every year of service
BOD BUSECO passes Res. 11-03-129 requesting NEA to approve grant performance incentives of P20,000 to all officers and P10,000 to all employees regardless of status
BOD BUSECO passes Res. No 11-03-132 granting networking monthly allowance of P5,000 to members of the BOD
BOD enjoy rice allowance, medical and uniform allowances anniversary bonus, death assistance, cellcard allowance, gasoline allowance and other incentives
23 Mar 2011 Energy Regulatory Commission ordered BUSECO to answer ERC Case No. 2011-025MC for IMPOSITION OF OTHER CHARGES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM COMMISSION

Edgardo R. Masongsong
General Manager
Manolo Fortich Bukidnon Branch
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